Monday, December 8, 2008

The Sun is boring LETS TALK MOTORS MAN

Josh has some good stuff to say over at his motorcycle blog. I left a comment about his fuel injection entry.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No Sunspots Since #1008

This is a time laps of the Sun by SOHO/NASA over the last month. You can see the major Sunspot 1008 form at the start of this month and move across the top to the right. This shows how big the spot actually was.

The sun has been blank since this spot hopefully things will start heating up.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

1008 was a Big One!

It took all week for Sunspot 1008 to disappear over the horizon.
The magnetic image maps show little activity this week.
The Sun may set a record this year.

Image Credit SOHO

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Solar Minimum is Behind Us

The NASA Sunspot forecaster David Hathaway has declared that the "Solar minimum is behind us." October had more Solar Cycle 24 Sunspots than Solar Cycle 23.

Yesterday Sunspot number 1008 started coming to the surface seen here in this ultraviolet image of the sun.

Come on Cycle 24!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One New Sunspot

Sunspot 1007 was a large spot that was seen for 4 days. This Sunspot was a powerful solar Cycle 24. This Sunspot has been "Crackling with B-Class Solar Flares." - SOHO/MDI

1007 Sunspot was twice the size of Earth.

Over the weekend, sunspot 1007 grew into a substantial active region with two planet-sized cores connected by dark magnetic filaments thousands of kilometers long. The ensemble bears a curious resemblance to the pipe of Sherlock Holmes: "It's filamentary, my dear Watson!" says Alan Friedman who sends this picture from his backyard observatory in Buffalo, New York: -

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Sun is BLANK

There have been no Sunspots since the 16th when Sunspots 1005 and 1006 showed up.
Following these spots was a magnetic band threatening to break the surface and become
more Cycle 24 Sunspots.
The bands can be seen here via a Magnetic telescope.
NASA is calling these Cycle 24.

This is good news, more magnetic blemishes mean that the Sun is warming up, we should start seeing more Sunspots in a couple of months.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Solar Minimums and Economic Minimums

I have been thinking about the cycles that the Sun goes through. They seem to correspond with the economic cycles. When you look at the lows on the solar cycle chart they line up with economic troubles. I wonder if we will start seeing the economy recover when Cycle 24 starts up.

Credit NASA

Monday, October 6, 2008

Only one Sunspot this Week

The last sunspot was no.1003 on October 5th. This may seem like no big deal but when you look at years past we see many more sunspots. On October 5th 2004 we had 3 sunspots.

Credit SOHO/MDI October, 5th 2004

The surface of the Sun may not be active, but the solar winds are.

This photograph was taken Saturday night, Oct. 4th, in Russia's Kolyskia Peninsula by Aleksander Chemucho. When it started raining it was green.

Credit Aleksander Chemucho

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Two new Sunspots are Forming

The pair of spots are easier to see on this magnetic map.

Credit: SOHO/MDI

Scientists are not saying if these spots are Cycle 23 or 24.
Two spots at the same time is a good sign. We have not seen this much
activity for months.

Thursday, September 25, 2008