Monday, October 27, 2008

The Sun is BLANK

There have been no Sunspots since the 16th when Sunspots 1005 and 1006 showed up.
Following these spots was a magnetic band threatening to break the surface and become
more Cycle 24 Sunspots.
The bands can be seen here via a Magnetic telescope.
NASA is calling these Cycle 24.

This is good news, more magnetic blemishes mean that the Sun is warming up, we should start seeing more Sunspots in a couple of months.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Solar Minimums and Economic Minimums

I have been thinking about the cycles that the Sun goes through. They seem to correspond with the economic cycles. When you look at the lows on the solar cycle chart they line up with economic troubles. I wonder if we will start seeing the economy recover when Cycle 24 starts up.

Credit NASA

Monday, October 6, 2008

Only one Sunspot this Week

The last sunspot was no.1003 on October 5th. This may seem like no big deal but when you look at years past we see many more sunspots. On October 5th 2004 we had 3 sunspots.

Credit SOHO/MDI October, 5th 2004

The surface of the Sun may not be active, but the solar winds are.

This photograph was taken Saturday night, Oct. 4th, in Russia's Kolyskia Peninsula by Aleksander Chemucho. When it started raining it was green.

Credit Aleksander Chemucho